New Westminster City Dentist

Lastest Dental Technology at Your New Westminster Dental Clinic

New Westminster City Dentist

Experience Modern Dental Care Near You

At New Westminster City Dentist, we combine new innovative dental techniques with the latest cutting-edge technology for improved patient care.

Intraoral Scanner

Intraoral Scanner

Intraoral scanners are widely used in modern dental practices. They have replaced traditional imagining technology, such as x-rays, that were used to create simple 2-D images. The newer scanners are also safe to use and more comfortable for the patient. A key benefit of this technology is that digital images are created within minutes so your dentist here at your New Westminster dental clinic, can examine the scans and discuss a treatment plan immediately.

iTero Scanner

iTero Scanner

The iTero scanner is an advanced intraoral scanner that has revolutionized dentistry. The scanner is a small wand that is moved inside the mouth. It contains technology to capture all the structures of the mouth, including the teeth, gums, and jaw, and creates highly detailed 3-D images within a few minutes. This technology is used extensively to create accurate dental models for restorative dental products such as crowns, and it is available right here, at your New Westminster dental clinic.

Dental Lasers

Dental Lasers

Dental lasers are commonly used in many modern dental practices to treat a variety of dental problems. They are used to remove tooth decay and treat gum disease by reshaping the gums and removing bacteria from the pulp during the root canal procedure. Lasers can also be used when performing a biopsy to examine the mouth for cancer.



VELscope is an enhanced oral cancer assessment system available here at your New Westminster dental clinic. It is a wireless handheld device that allows your dentist to detect abnormal tissue that may not be detectable to the naked eye. If you are over 40 years of age, it is important to visit your dentist regularly to check for oral cancer. While your doctor will perform a visual exam and feel the tissues within your mouth, the use of a VELscope greatly enhances the ability to detect abnormal cell activity early.

CBCT Scanner

CBCT Scanner

A CBCT machine is a special type of X-ray machine that can create a 3D image of your teeth, bone, nerve pathways, and soft tissues in one scan. It is especially useful when a regular facial or dental X-ray can’t provide a sufficient view. The machine was developed in the 1990s and is based on light intensifier technology. Since a CBCT uses a cone-shaped area detector, you can stay in one place as the sensor moves around you. Your conveniently located New Westminster dental clinic uses this technology for your comfort.

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